Flipkart Health Plus franchise is a physical store model where some compliances have to be met.

Whereas Flipkart Health Champion is a referral program

In Flipkart Franchise model, one must have a drug licence to start this business

where as in Flipkart champion model, no such Licence is required

A shop of minimum 120 sq. ft. area is required to apply for the licence

No shop is required. one can be a flipkart Champion even working at home.

Franchise fees of Rupees 1 lac is taken by flipkart Health Plus company.

No franchise fees is charged by the company.

Appx 7.5% commission is provided by the company on every order placed by the franchise in his territory.

Commission of appx 3% is given by the company to the Champion on every order referred by him

One common thing in both is that no stock of medicines has to be maintained in any model.